For almost 40 years, Dyno has existent to create a relationship with their clients and domestic animals. Family made company started in 1985 with a passion for animals, Dyno counts today 8 stores and over 130 employees.
At Dyno, you can count on a large surface but also on advice from a specialised boutique. All employees receive a formation to advise and satisfy all clients.
Each store has technicians in animal care that can answer more complex questions.
More than 50 000 different products in store, even more on our online store.


Dyno holds a permit required by the ministère l’Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l’Alimentation (MAPAQ) and this applies for all affiliated stores.
Each store is obliged to have an annual inspection non-announced by the inspectors of the MAPAQ.

Origins of animals

All animals in Dyno come from breeders that are them too observed and inspected by the MAPAQ.
Dyno has a privileged relationship with a large number of it’s breeders, some dating from many years back. They must all conform to rigorous criteria that Dyno asks:

  • All cats and dogs are vaccinated and dewormed before coming into the stores;
  • Fish come in private importations;
  • A majority of reptiles come from local breeders;
  • Dyno holds the largest number of handfed birds that all come from Canada.


Dyno is an active member of the PIJAC, a consultive consol for the animal industry and company of Canada
The PIJAC is a non lucrative organism that assures a higher level of animal care and an equal representation in all sectors of the industry.


  • Represents and promote all sectors of animals industry;
  • Establish adequate norms and adequate care for domestic animals;
  • Promote the importance of domestic animals towards canadians.