Visa, Mastercard and Paypal are the only accepted payment methods on We do not accept payments in cash, by check, credit score, or by credit card issued in a country other than Canada. The billing address and telephone number must be the same as the name, address, postal code and telephone number appearing on your credit card statement. This information is used in the process of validating your credit card. Payment will be debited from your credit card only on the date the goods are shipped to you. If your order is shipped in separate shipments (at the same or different addresses), your credit card will be debited separately for each shipment.
Prices shown are in Canadian dollars, before taxes and postage. The price is payable in full and in a single payment at the time of the order. All orders are payable in Canadian dollars. Taxes are applied to your order in accordance with applicable provincial and federal laws. Taxes could also be applied to shipping costs. When returning an item, you will be refunded for the price of the item, as well as for the taxes paid at the time of the initial purchase. However, you will not be reimbursed for shipping charges.